Let People Know You Love Them

The old saying that actions speak louder than words, holds true when it comes to expressing the love we feel for others. This may come easy to you or you may struggle with showing your love, and if this is the case, you are not alone. Previous hurts, relationship experiences, and past patterns of how […]
How to Adapt to Change in a Relationship: 3 Tips to Help You Thrive

There is no time like the present to learn to manage change in a relationship, and this year has been riddled with changes (social, economic, technological, and personal) that have been challenging to say the least. All changes impact a relationship. Learning to duck and dive and adjust when life happens will help you be […]
How to Stop Self-Sabotaging

We all at one time have self-doubt that clouds our ability to accomplish a goal. When self-doubt becomes a chronic repetitive pattern that dictates our behavior and reactions, it morphs into a self-sabotaging way of living that holds us back from success. Whether it has to do with relationships, finances, or emotions, there is a […]
Revving Up Intimacy in Your Relationship

One of the definitions of intimacy is a close familiarity or friendship, closeness. Intimacy is not simply about sex, although that can certainly help. But sex alone does not always lead to intimacy. There are several small but powerful things you can do to increase closeness between you and your partner. Be communicative, talk […]
How to Keep Your Relationship Alive – Working from Home

With more and more people working from home – tension can creep in, you may feel the spark in your relationship has fizzled as you struggle for space and alone time. Do you find you and your partner quarreling over minor concerns, or maybe just the sight of your partner is beginning to annoy you? When there’s too […]
Living with Unresolved Conflicts

There are times in life when a disagreement is so raw and dividing, there is no immediate resolution. You may feel that all you want to do is run in the opposite direction, bury your head in the proverbial sand, or never see […]
Changing Your LifeStyle

Changing your lifestyle can bring a sense of excitement, like moving to Florence Italy, or some other place you’ve fantasized about. Or it can be as subtle as deciding to cook vegetarian meals. Regardless, switching things up takes concerted effort to make it real. Here are a few ideas to help you make the […]
Keeping Open to Love

Have you ever met one of those people that no matter what life tosses their way they remain loving and kind while you find yourself getting annoyed? Admit it, there are times in our day-to-day life when obstacles or challenges get the better or us. You may be exhausted from a newborn keeping you […]
Active Listening Is the Key to Communication

Do not listen with the intent to reply, but with the intent to understand. —Anonymous Listening is somewhat like an art form, and as in music or dance you only become proficient with practice. There are countless meanings assigned to the act of listening. You can listen with your heart, you can listen to your […]
Creating a Consciously Aware Life

How do you define consciousness? The medical definition of consciousness is the state of being awake and aware of your surroundings. But there is a deeper more symbolic definition of consciousness that transcends the physical and the mental. The ninety-three-year-old Buddhist Monk and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh describes consciousness like a stream or […]