The Issue of Aging

How many times have we heard someone told to act his or her age? It has become such a common phrase in our society; we rarely stop to think what it really means. This morning, while meditating, a thought came into my head; that I was 10 years younger than I am. Suddenly, I felt […]
Finding Our Personal Freedom

“Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible, yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old patterns…We may want to love other people without holding back, to feel authentic, to breathe in the beauty around us, to dance and sing. Yet each day we listen to inner voices […]
Embracing Impermanence

“We are uncomfortable because everything in our life keeps changing — our inner moods, our bodies, our work, the people we love, the world we live in. We can’t hold on to anything — a beautiful sunset, a sweet taste, an intimate moment with a lover, our very existence as the body/mind we call self […]
Believing in Your Own Truth

I recently had a rather heated discussion with a friend who was trying to convince me that she was right and I was wrong about something. She was quite irritated that I would not agree with her. I wasn’t trying as hard to convince her of my ‘rightness’ as she was in insisting that I […]
Making Peace with Uncertainty

Recently, Pema Chödrön posted an excerpt to her Facebook page from Three Methods for Working with Uncertainty, in Shambhala Sun, March 1997. Although the article itself is nearly two decades old, it’s advice that is remarkably relevant for the digital age. Today, in a world so full of ever-present distractions, we lose some of our […]
Dare to Daydream!

How much of your time do you spend in personal reflection? Do you find yourself sometimes focusing on your own internal thoughts instead of what’s happening around you in outside world? Often times, we call this daydreaming, and it’s rarely received as a constructive activity. Alas, daydreamers, fear not! What some may see as a […]