How to Stop Self-Sabotaging

We all at one time have self-doubt that clouds our ability to accomplish a goal. When self-doubt becomes a chronic repetitive pattern that dictates our behavior and reactions, it morphs into a self-sabotaging way of living that holds us back from success. Whether it has to do with relationships, finances, or emotions, there is a […]
Harmonizing Your Emotions & Intentions

As February ends and March begins, you may be considering commitments to positive changes in your life; get more exercise, eat less sugar, have less screen time. With all of these healthy resolutions, another you may consider; reprogramming knee jerk reactions or emotions that set up a negative domino effect on your life. Do you […]
Setting Goals

Often we are facing the fact, regardless of the time of year, that our New Year’s Resolutions may not be as achievable as we once thought. In fact, nearly 92% of people don’t achieve New Year’s Resolutions. It’s not because people aren’t motivated, and it’s not because the resolutions they set weren’t “good enough.” Most […]
Age, Dreams, Goals

Having dreams and setting new goals is something that in western culture people seem to think is only for young people. You can define young anyway you choose, depending upon your age or bias’s. For some 30 is old, for others 60 is young, and for some no age is too old to reinvent yourself. […]