Bridge of Life

Peace, Happiness, You, I, Us…

The elusive desire for happiness often leads to consuming as much as possible. To have the biggest house, not just one but as many as we can afford to buy and furnish. To have the most expensive cars, clothing jewelry. We often think that the more we own, the bigger it is, the more expensive […]

How to Make a Great Decision

For a moment think about the decisions that you made this week. Were they easy or difficult? Did you avoid or postpone any decisions? Are you hoping that others will make the decision for you? Making decisions are important because how you make the decision and of course what decision you make will influence the […]

Happy, Healthy & Laughter Yoga!

Recently I became a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. Laughter Yoga is a wonderful way of life. The more you laugh the more you heal. The more you laugh the happier you feel. And you are actually exercising! Laughter Yoga was developed by Dr. Kataria in India. I studied with him in the U.S. and was […]

What is a Labyrinth and How Can You Use One?

Labyrinths have been used for centuries as a tool for meditation and renewal of spirit. Labyrinths have one way in and one way out, so there is no need to worry about getting lost. There is no right or wrong way of using the labyrinth. Depending on what questions you ask as you walk the […]

Music – a Powerful Resource

Music is a very powerful source. I imagine that music plays many roles in your life as it does in mine. It allows others to have a sense of who we are and what we believe. Consider the ways that music has influenced your life. Music has the power to shift our feelings from joy […]


Intuition, consciousness and connection