Elevate Your Mood

It’s natural to find ourselves in a low-energy space once in a while. Sometimes we may want to honor that feeling and explore its roots and effects upon us, other times we just want to shift it. To support you, here are 9 ways to help shift your mood from low to high gear in […]
Showing Compassion in Times of Conflict

A relationship breakup, workplace conflict, a feud with a family member or friend…these experiences can be difficult and may involve tense communications and stress. Most of us can recall a time when we felt that someone was causing us suffering, either intentionally or unintentionally. It can be challenging to see past the situation and the […]
Happy, Healthy & Laughter Yoga!

Recently I became a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. Laughter Yoga is a wonderful way of life. The more you laugh the more you heal. The more you laugh the happier you feel. And you are actually exercising! Laughter Yoga was developed by Dr. Kataria in India. I studied with him in the U.S. and was […]