The Happenstance of Happiness

Happiness may be the most elusive of all ideals. We’re taught from a very young age that happy is good and sad is bad; we’re programmed to believe that without achieving ‘happiness’ we’ll be void of anything worthwhile in life. And finding it, sometimes, can feel like a tall order. First of all, how do […]
Find Your Personal Push Up

Estella Gong wasn’t happy with herself; feeling ‘uncomfortable with her body’ and ‘scrawny,’ she decided to not be discouraged by her dilemma— instead she turned her self-perceived problem into a passion to become her best self— one push up at a time. She embarked on a 100 day push up challenge and translated the incredible […]
Are You Limiting Yourself?

What you choose to believe will dictate many facets of your life. Society has a lot to say to us, about us. It likes to tell us we’re too small to make a difference in the world or we don’t have what it takes to be what we want to be. And you know what? […]