Our Personal Awakenings

In The Truth of Our Existence, a new discussion series from Pema Chodron, she provides wisdom on ‘Four Teachings from the Buddha to Illuminate Your Life’— tools that help open you up to the beauty of enlightenment that’s possible in everyday life for all of us. She talks of things that are simple yet profound. […]
Experiencing the Journey to Live Our Dreams

“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” –Paolo Coehol, The Alchemist So many times we hear commonly shared wisdom like “Happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of traveling.” But what does that mean? Like many things, in theory it sounds great, but it’s not quite […]
The Issue of Aging

How many times have we heard someone told to act his or her age? It has become such a common phrase in our society; we rarely stop to think what it really means. This morning, while meditating, a thought came into my head; that I was 10 years younger than I am. Suddenly, I felt […]
The Importance of Keeping Good Company: Finding Your Five

Think about it for a moment; who do you spend most of your time with? Draw a few people into your mind, and expand on this thought, what beauty do you find those people bringing to your life? Do those who’ve come to mind create a calm, positive environment when you’re around them, or are […]