Finding Peace Within

“Peace Beauty and goodness are always there in each of us” …Thich Nhat Hanh This fundamental Buddhist belief professed by the ninety-year-old monk, Thich, Nhat Hanh, has seen him through war, struggle, joy, and injustice. He also proclaims, “peace in oneself, peace in the world.” Research concurs that those of us who can navigate through […]
Respecting Differences

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Presidential Election and how to respectfully handle the opinions of people in our world. The American Psychological Association’s study shows that a little more than half of people surveyed say that the election “is a very or somewhat significant” source of stress for them. From […]
How We Can Support Gender Equality

We’ve learned gender stereotypes from a young age—how females and males are supposed to behave and look; what societal roles and jobs they take; even how they think and feel. When we view someone not as an individual but as a member of their particular gender, and judge them on their ability to live up […]
Meditation: A Tool for Total Wellness

Contemplate on this: Quieting your mind on a regular basis can result in both mental and physical well-being! How wonderful is that? Meditation may, on a physical level: Lower high blood pressure Reduce stress Reduce body pain caused by tension Improve sleep, mood, behavior, and energy level On an emotional/mental level, meditation may: Promote feelings […]
Finding Contentment

Look at each day with gratitude; it’s a new opportunity to grow into the best person that you can possibly be. Your only competition is yourself. When you allow yourself to be content with what is, and identify your personal goals to strive for, it’s a sure path to long-term success, and most importantly, happiness. […]
Peace, Happiness, You, I, Us…

The elusive desire for happiness often leads to consuming as much as possible. To have the biggest house, not just one but as many as we can afford to buy and furnish. To have the most expensive cars, clothing jewelry. We often think that the more we own, the bigger it is, the more expensive […]
From the Buddha’s Dhammapada

(Freely translated by Stephen Mitchell.) Mind creates the world; what you see arises with your thoughts. If you speak and act with a confused mind, trouble will follow you as certainly as a cart follows the ox that pulls it. Mind creates the world; what you see arises with your thoughts. If you speak and […]
Spiritual Leader

A friend shared this with me this week and I thought, as it is Easter and Passover, it was appropriate to share this with you. Anne Frank: “ It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in […]