Bridge of Life

The Path of Relationships: Dealing with Loss

We oftenbelieve that relationships are supposed to be permanent, yet loss and grieving is a theme in our lives. Somewhere along our path someone dies or must be left behind. Loss of a relationship plays a significant part in all of our lives. Because many of us define ourselves by our relationships, we believe something […]

Successful Communications for Healthy Romantic Relationships

It’s everyone’s right to exercise their (positively-charged) power in a situation where they are made to feel uncomfortable, whether purposefully or accidentally. Many times, it’s easier than we think to get someone to see our point of view; we just have to make sure that we’re open and honest with them. Communications barriers build up […]

Growing Intimate Relationships

As we enter into and exist in our adult lives, we begin to prepare for many things— establishing a satisfying career for ourselves, living on our own, purchasing property or our own car.  We put much time into the preparations of these occasions but rarely put thought into what it means to be married. You […]

Building Clarity: Relationships, Communication and Energy Fields

Energy includes three aspects of the body’s systems: Pathways – meridians; Centers – chakras and Biofield – aura. Understanding how the interaction of energy around you can affect a relationship will help you to maintain your physical boundaries, which we discussed recently.  By sensing your energy field and your physical boundaries, you can greatly improve […]