Coach Yourself Free from Blame & Shame

“Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.” …Ralph Marston Blame can render you powerless; wreak havoc in relationships, and eat away at your ability to change, to let go, and to get on with life. So, what makes us fall […]
No Judgments Please

No Judgments Please Do you ever feel overwhelmed by negative feelings about yourself or others? Do you yearn for a life void of crippling judgments that keep you frozen and fearful? The art of nonjudgmental is like learning a new language, it takes practice. Margaret Mead, the famous American cultural anthropologist, once said, “Children must […]
Life Balance

Balance is an essential part of life. When elements in nature become unbalanced, they eventually correct themselves. The more out of synch the elements in nature are, the more intense the correction—what we call “natural disasters.” If a houseplant is completely ignored, or only taken care of sporadically, the plant will not do well and […]
Showing Compassion in Times of Conflict

A relationship breakup, workplace conflict, a feud with a family member or friend…these experiences can be difficult and may involve tense communications and stress. Most of us can recall a time when we felt that someone was causing us suffering, either intentionally or unintentionally. It can be challenging to see past the situation and the […]