Bridge of Life

7 Ideas for Inspiration

Have you ever tried to be creative but find yourself stuck in the same old way of thinking or doing? This can be frustrating when you need your imagination and out-of-the-box perspective for work or a project. The pressure you may put on yourself often blocks your creative flow. Here are some ideas for freeing […]

Meditation: A Tool for Total Wellness

Contemplate on this: Quieting your mind on a regular basis can result in both mental and physical well-being! How wonderful is that? Meditation may, on a physical level: Lower high blood pressure Reduce stress Reduce body pain caused by tension Improve sleep, mood, behavior, and energy level On an emotional/mental level, meditation may: Promote feelings […]

Find Your Personal Push Up

Estella Gong wasn’t happy with herself; feeling ‘uncomfortable with her body’ and ‘scrawny,’ she decided to not be discouraged by her dilemma— instead she turned her self-perceived problem into a passion to become her best self— one push up at a time. She embarked on a 100 day push up challenge and translated the incredible […]

Creating Your Spiritual Self

Understanding and exploring our spiritual selves is paramount to personal growth; it’s a journey, however, that is often pushed aside. Sometimes, day-to-day activities distract us from the time and energy needed to dedicate ourselves to learn what lives within our hearts. Mindfully affirming our higher self is key to developing our best life in the […]

Let Yourself Experience the Light of Love

Did you know that the capacity for unconditional love lives within each one of us? Imagine experiencing deep, continuous love all of the time. Love without fear, without consequence. It’s possible! According to Ram Dass, spiritual teacher and author of the beloved 1971 Be Here Now, he exclaims in his newest book of the trilogy, Be […]

A Case for Meditation

Imagine all of the things you think about throughout the day. In the course of your waking hours, process, for a second, how many different thoughts must go through your head. Now consider, our technologically-dependent society where we’re constantly stimulated from morning until night— digital devices, many times nearby even while asleep — we’re always […]

Are You Limiting Yourself?

What you choose to believe will dictate many facets of your life. Society has a lot to say to us, about us. It likes to tell us we’re too small to make a difference in the world or we don’t have what it takes to be what we want to be. And you know what? […]

Spiritual Leader

A friend shared this with me this week and I thought, as it is Easter and Passover, it was appropriate to share this with you. Anne Frank: “ It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in […]

Music – a Powerful Resource

Music is a very powerful source. I imagine that music plays many roles in your life as it does in mine. It allows others to have a sense of who we are and what we believe. Consider the ways that music has influenced your life. Music has the power to shift our feelings from joy […]

A Thought for New Parents

When I work with new parents the issue of mortality always comes up. It is interesting how until we have children we rarely, if ever think about dying and once we have them we do. Some people become frightened by their own mortality, others fear that their children will die and some fear both. The […]