Bridge of Life

daffodilsHave you ever tried to be creative but find yourself stuck in the same old way of thinking or doing? This can be frustrating when you need your imagination and out-of-the-box perspective for work or a project. The pressure you may put on yourself often blocks your creative flow. Here are some ideas for freeing up your thinking:

Go for a tried-and-true method. It may seem simple, but we often forget to take advantage of what has worked for us in the past. What inspires you to be creative? Is is art? Perhaps you can go to an art gallery or museum. Does science and technology interest you? Watching a documentary on a groundbreaking discovery may inspire you. You needn’t recreate the wheel. Whatever has gotten your creative juices flowing in the past may be all it takes to unblock you.

Do something you consider “play.” Have you noticed how creative children are when they are playing? When you are having fun, your vibrational energy is in a place of joy, which puts you in a place of positive and free-thinking.

Meditate. Slowing your mind down and emptying it of the chatter of judgements, doubts, and worries can allow you to think more clearly, feel more grounded, and give you a sense of belonging to the world around you. For more on the benefits of meditation, and ways to do it, try this post, Meditation: A Tool for Total Wellness.

Listen to music. Take a listen to what is considered masterful music. Jazz, blues, rap, classical, opera…choose any genre that calls to you. Try this: choose a piece that is touted as a masterpiece or a classic in a genre you don’t normally prefer, and see if you can identify what makes it timeless. Listening to music that isn’t on your regular playlist will encourage you to use your brain in a different way.

Rearrange your space. Simply changing your normal surroundings can lead to new ideas. Whether you move a chair to the other side of the room or try moving around a whole room of furniture, seeing your surroundings in a different arrangement can change your perspective in many ways. You could also forgo your normal seating preference—a particular chair or side of the room—for another choice.

Commune with nature. Nature is inspiring. No matter if humans take care of nature or not, it goes on with its life cycle…growing, evolving, adapting. Allow yourself to be curious about what you see and marvel at its existence. “It is the marriage of the soul with Nature that makes the intellect fruitful, and gives birth to imagination.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Exercise. Research shows that those who regularly exercise are more creative than those who are sedentary. Even just a brisk walk may do the trick to free up your thinking.

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