Bridge of Life

Creating a Consciously Aware Life

  How do you define consciousness? The medical definition of consciousness is the state of being awake and aware of your surroundings. But there is a deeper more symbolic definition of consciousness that transcends the physical and the mental.  The ninety-three-year-old Buddhist Monk and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh describes consciousness like a stream or […]

Do you need a vacation…or a more balanced life?

I love vacations. They are chances to see new sites and enjoy activities you may not typically incorporate into your daily schedule. Putting yourself in a new location can be invigorating to body and mind, as you are having different experiences than usual. However, if you mainly use vacations as escape from your normal reality, […]

The Total Self

In the post, Life Balance, I discussed the most prevalent areas of our lives that need balance and why each is important. The life area called Self is composed of our emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual needs and desires. Due to the complex nature of Self, I’d like to explore each component separately. Emotional The emotional […]

Life Balance

Balance is an essential part of life. When elements in nature become unbalanced, they eventually correct themselves. The more out of synch the elements in nature are, the more intense the correction—what we call “natural disasters.” If a houseplant is completely ignored, or only taken care of sporadically, the plant will not do well and […]

Wealth: How to Achieve It

Believing that you are wealthy is the first step to being so. I have noticed that many people worry about not having enough money. How much they earn does not seem to be a factor, they worry whether they earn $38 million dollars a year or twenty thousand—that’s a pretty big differential. What they tell […]