Bridge of Life

We all have an inner artist just waiting to emerge and be appreciated. Even if you don’t feel that you’re innately creative, there is something inside all of us yearning to build and create. Many hobbies can be considered “creative” – even if they’re not typically sorted into an artistic category or subject matter.

You may be an engineer, sales person, or developer. In these cases, you may develop code for software programs, build relationships with clients, or create pieces of technology that many of us could never even fathom. You may be a parent, a friend, or a romantic partner. In these cases, you’re creating habits with your growing children, nurturing a strong and supportive network, and building a line of communication between yourself and your partner. Expressing your creativity manifests in all areas of your life. You are always growing and creating, no matter who you are, whether you realize it or not.

It’s important that we tap into this inner creative personality of ours – we all deserve to find our inner artist and nurture them. Luckily, there are countless activities we can engage in that help us on the path of artistry
and creation.

A few ideas might be:

  • Break out the paints or colored pencils and create something beautiful. Whether it’s abstract art, or you paint something realistic – you’re working the creative side of your brain. It doesn’t matter whether your final product is perfect. Perfection is not the goal –
    allowing your creativity to flow is.
  • Dance like nobody’s watching to your favorite song. Allow your body to move freely around the room, and imagine any tension you’re feeling being released from your body.
  • Build something with your hands. Whether you enjoy woodwork, pottery or you want to put together the dresser you ordered last week – it’ll feel good to pour your energy into something physical and to see a standing, finished product when you’re done.
  • Write something. Anything. Whether you’re journaling or jotting down a poem, writing something will jog your creative juices and keep them flowing.

Finding creativity is a beautiful thing – what are your favorite ways of being creative?

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