Making A Meaningful Change In Your Life

Is there an area of your life where you’d like to see different results, or where you’d like to create something completely new? While evolution or resolution can occur on its own, we often need to actively participate in initiating change in order for our desired outcomes to occur. Know where you stand. Take an […]
Life Balance

Balance is an essential part of life. When elements in nature become unbalanced, they eventually correct themselves. The more out of synch the elements in nature are, the more intense the correction—what we call “natural disasters.” If a houseplant is completely ignored, or only taken care of sporadically, the plant will not do well and […]
The Importance of Keeping Good Company: Finding Your Five

Think about it for a moment; who do you spend most of your time with? Draw a few people into your mind, and expand on this thought, what beauty do you find those people bringing to your life? Do those who’ve come to mind create a calm, positive environment when you’re around them, or are […]
How a Vision Board Can Help You Build the Future You Want

Vision Boards bring the Law of Attraction into your consciousness daily. The use of a vision board allows you to consistently think about what you want and how to draw that closer and closer to you. Every time you look at or add to it you will feel all the positive thoughts, feelings and beliefs […]