Bridge of Life

The Key of Communication

Have you ever imagined talking to someone beyond your words? Communicating through speech is our most common form of relating to each other; imagine if one day that changed. We’ve heard of being ‘telepathically connected’ to someone, usually a close friend, relative or lover, but what if everyone could take it a step beyond that? […]

One Story of Infidelity

Any similarity to you or someone you know is just that a similarity. So many people have similar stories. About two years ago I began working with a couple that began marriage counseling, believing that they would get a divorce. At the point they came to me, their relationship seemed to be based upon a […]

Express Your Feelings Today

I have invited Yaz Headley of from the UK to guest blog on my blog for your pleasure: We can have so many joys and regrets in our lives. Bronnie Ware wrote a book on “The top five regrets of the dying”. One of the regrets she found was that they often wished they […]

Couple vs. Individual Therapy for a Couple

Here is a link to a video that will answer a question that couples calling me often ask: Is it better to be in individual therapy or couples therapy in order to save my relationship? I hope you find this helpful:

The Holistic World of Music

Music can provide feelings of love, inspiration, relaxation and joy. Which is why some people use music to set a mood. Others will have their favorite symphony playing while they study for exams, and let’s not forget dancing to your favorite song as a form of meditation! Yes music does inspire and provoke us to […]

Divorce ?

When we marry most of us believe it really is for the rest of our lives. We often create a combined life as well as individual life. It is the combined life however that usually has the priority in marriage. Separating from our life partner is painful; feelings of anger, abandonment and yes relief may […]

The ‘Space-Between’

My Colleague Hedy Schleifer uses the term ‘Space-Between’ when describing what occurs energetically between two people in a relationship. I find this term very useful and wanted to share my point of view with you. Consider that Relationships live in the ‘Space-Between’ you and your partner? The space that often you can feel but do […]

Growing an Intimate Relationship

Are you married now? Have you thought about being married? Do you ever wonder how you can have a lasting marriage? Do you want to re-marry but are unsure it’s right? Think about how much work you put into preparing for a career. Weddings as well often take a large amount of planning and preparation. […]