Bridge of Life

Music can provide feelings of love, inspiration, relaxation and joy. Which is why some people use music to set a mood. Others will have their favorite symphony playing while they study for exams, and let’s not forget dancing to your favorite song as a form of meditation! Yes music does inspire and provoke us to be who we are in a to the fullest of our abilities, creating mindfulness.

I imagine that music plays many roles in your life as it does in mine. It allows others to have a sense of who we are and what we believe. Consider the ways that music has influenced your life. Music has the power to shift our feelings from joy to sorrow in a split second. It can bring us back to memories we forgot we had or act as a muse and bring us forward to the world we have yet to create. Music has many purposes and abilities. It can be used for healing and communication as both Don Campbell and Tom Kenyon mentor us. They both have schools that teach ways of using one’s voice for healing. There are degrees in Music Therapy offered at many Universities.

American Indians and many African and South American Shamans have been using the drumbeat for centuries to elevate shamans to other dimensions. Yes music is a very powerful source. So the next time you are sitting with your partner, or by yourself for that matter, and you want to change your mood, feelings, or thoughts, just listen to music and notice the difference in your body mind and spirit!

Music can be a beautiful form of meditation, as I speak about in this video:

2 Responses

  1. Dear Mara,
    I fully agree when we have challenges with relationship with partner. The respective individual should work with the couple therapist. They must work together and know the root cause that causing the issue and take some actions for improvement. The couple therapist like you could help them to open their minds, learn the bigger picture and understand each of them are right and also at the same time each of them make mistake. I really like the video as it is really brief and informative. Well done!!

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