Bridge of Life

Emotional Awareness

Let’s say elevating your level of positivity and happiness is a daily intention for you. You utilize mantras, affirmations, and/or other tools on a continuous basis. You are letting go of unsupportive thoughts and adopting supportive ones. But there are many moments, or even days, that you are far from a state of bliss. What […]

Express Your Feelings Today

I have invited Yaz Headley of from the UK to guest blog on my blog for your pleasure: We can have so many joys and regrets in our lives. Bronnie Ware wrote a book on “The top five regrets of the dying”. One of the regrets she found was that they often wished they […]

The Holistic World of Music

Music can provide feelings of love, inspiration, relaxation and joy. Which is why some people use music to set a mood. Others will have their favorite symphony playing while they study for exams, and let’s not forget dancing to your favorite song as a form of meditation! Yes music does inspire and provoke us to […]

Life and Loss

Most of us believe that relationships are supposed to be permanent, yet loss and grieving is a theme in our lives. Inevitably along our path someone dies or will be left behind. Loss of a relationship plays a significant part in all of our lives, as it is part of life. Often we define ourselves […]

Music – a Powerful Resource

Music is a very powerful source. I imagine that music plays many roles in your life as it does in mine. It allows others to have a sense of who we are and what we believe. Consider the ways that music has influenced your life. Music has the power to shift our feelings from joy […]

A Thought for New Parents

When I work with new parents the issue of mortality always comes up. It is interesting how until we have children we rarely, if ever think about dying and once we have them we do. Some people become frightened by their own mortality, others fear that their children will die and some fear both. The […]