Living in the Moment

“Forever is composed of nows.” ― Emily Dickinson “Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none.” ― Albert Einstein In a world where we are encouraged to analyze our mistakes of the past and plan for a successful future, it can be […]
Elevate Your Mood

It’s natural to find ourselves in a low-energy space once in a while. Sometimes we may want to honor that feeling and explore its roots and effects upon us, other times we just want to shift it. To support you, here are 9 ways to help shift your mood from low to high gear in […]
Living in Abundance

“Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. It is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.” ~ Bob Proctor What is abundance? Abundance can mean different things to different people. Having more than enough of money, material things, happiness, success, friends, […]
Giving and Receiving: Allowing Yourself to Experience Both

As the holidays begin, I’m very often asked, how do I know if I am giving enough? And then, am I giving the right thing? Who do I want to give to? Who do I have to give to? Can I afford to give? The list goes on forever. At the heart of these questions […]
Why Small Moments Matter

Recently, The Intelligent Optimist sat down for a Q&A with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, head of a worldwide network of meditation centers, talking about optimism and fundament goodness—asking one very provocative question for our time: TIO: Can fundamental goodness be seen in the face of violence? SR: ‘Every moment presents an opportunity to recognize the core […]
Gratitude, The Reality Changer

It’s true – gratitude has the power to change things. I would venture to say, that it serves at the catalyst to change one’s circumstances. It begins with choosing to be grateful, and that choice ignites a positive domino effect that leads to actual change. I know some of you must be thinking that I’m […]
Peace, Happiness, You, I, Us…

The elusive desire for happiness often leads to consuming as much as possible. To have the biggest house, not just one but as many as we can afford to buy and furnish. To have the most expensive cars, clothing jewelry. We often think that the more we own, the bigger it is, the more expensive […]
Gratefulness – my ‘ah ha’ moment

I am amazed. I have studied with many world renowned teachers. I have taught and continue to teach gratefulness and how to experience gratitude. So, last night at a Tony Bennett concert to my astonishment, which quickly turned into pure joy; to experience genuine gratitude…well what can I say. It was an ‘ah ha’ moment […]
