Bridge of Life

Tuli[s with sky

“Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. It is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.” ~ Bob Proctor

What is abundance? Abundance can mean different things to different people. Having more than enough of money, material things, happiness, success, friends, free time. It can be all these things, but a simpler way to look at abundance is…feeling satisfaction NOW.

Why is that so important? Like attracts like. If we are attempting to manifest abundance without first feeling abundant—if we are coming from a state of scarcity or lack—it is synonymous to trying to attract hummingbirds to your bird house with vinegar instead of nectar.

Enjoying abundance comes from first being in a state of gratitude. Enjoy what you have…right now. What is going well in your life? What are you grateful for? It could be gratitude for the relationship you have with your kids; your ability to love and receive love; the feeling you get when you open your eyes to a sunny day. It could be gratitude for your comfortable bed, the perfectly al dente pasta at lunch, the outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks. Whenever it’s difficult to get into a place of gratitude—we all have rough days—be even more basic: be thankful for clean water, electricity, the roof over your head…things we take for granted that are not universal givens.

Once we are in a state of gratitude, we realize our life is ALREADY abundant. Know it as a fact. Tell yourself daily that you enjoy a life of abundance that will always be abundant. How does that make you feel? Joyful? Peaceful? Excited? Honor that feeling.

If stepping into a state of gratitude is a challenge, or you don’t often do so, don’t worry. Gratitude is a habit we can learn by practicing it every day. Pick a time each day that you will be able to carry out your practice. Think of what is most reasonable and realistic for you. Perhaps you can awaken a few minutes earlier to sit quietly and think of all that you are grateful for in that moment. Or maybe you can use the commute to work as an opportunity to appreciate your abundance. Maybe a few minutes dedicated to writing down your gratitudes before bedtime works better for you. You could set reminders on your phone to prompt you throughout the day to think of one gratitude. Choose the method that’s right for you and make it a daily practice.

If you create abundance in your inner life, you will experience abundance in your outer life. Developing a constant awareness for the things that are good will lead to positive thinking, which has the power to attract more positivity. There is an unending supply of abundance for everyone. The first step toward an abundant life is knowing you already have one.

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