Bridge of Life

Everything You Have Ever Wanted is on the Other Side of Negativity

However you envision your life is how it will be. This sounds like a simple philosophy, and it’s true. When you think negatively about your life, or you tell yourself your wildest hopes and dreams can’t possibly come true, you immediately give truth to those thoughts. This is a difficult cycle to break, because negativity […]

How to Create Affirmations for Attracting Your Best Life

An affirmation is a declaration about what we want to manifest in our lives. When stated in its most supportive form, it vibrates truth from within your heart. Affirmations are an effective tool for mental, physical, and spiritual wellness, personal growth, and attracting what we desire. While affirmations appear simple, there are several important components […]

When People are Negative, Shine a Positive Light

We all have to deal with many people in our day-to-day lives. Some people are a joy to interact with and some are….not as enjoyable. Have you ever had the experience of getting a phone call from someone and cringing because you know you’re going to be trapped listening to an account of all the […]

Shifting Your View Will Change Your Life

Shifting Your View Will Change Your Life In our culture, we are constantly reminded to set goals in all areas of our lives. In setting goals, we often create artificial deadlines and are encouraged to plan out steps to achieve our goals within the allotted time. Positive things can certainly come from setting goals however […]