Bridge of Life


An affirmation is a declaration about what we want to manifest in our lives. When stated in its most supportive form, it vibrates truth from within your heart. Affirmations are an effective tool for mental, physical, and spiritual wellness, personal growth, and attracting what we desire.

While affirmations appear simple, there are several important components to be aware of in creating a powerful affirmation that will work for you:

Make your affirmation positively positive. If your goal is to be out of debt and therefore want to create an affirmation that will support you in that mission, take care not to use the word “debt” in your statement. While getting out of debt is a positive idea, the word debt isn’t. Our brains naturally focus on the main subject, which in this case, would be debt. You’ll start thinking about all the bills you owe and before you know it, an affirmation that was meant to inspire you is stressing you out instead! A better stated affirmation would be: Every day I am attracting more wealth and abundance or I am moving towards financial independence! See how these affirmations focus on what you DO want, instead of what you don’t?

State your affirmation as if it has already happened or been resolved. Your unconscious mind will agree with everything you say. So if you declare, “I will soon have plenty of free time to spend with my family,” your unconscious will pipe up enthusiastically and agree with you. However, what is being agreed upon is that you WILL have that freedom sometime in the future…but not now. Avoid using wish, might, will, going to, try, and want in your affirmations. These types of words (future tense), will keep what you desire in the future instead of manifesting it in your present. By saying “ I am in the process of creating plenty of free time in the next week to spend with my family” you are allowing your unconscious mind to have a boundary to work within and assist you in getting what you desire in present time.

Make it believable. If you don’t believe your affirmation, it’s of no use to you. For example, if you say “I am a millionaire” and then your inner critic has a lot of things to say in response—Yeah, right. How’s that going to happen? Maybe you’ll be a millionaire in a million years!—this affirmation isn’t going to do you any good. This is a great time to use a transitional statement, which means you are in the process of getting there. For example, instead of:

I easily trust people. –> Each day, I am getting better at trusting people.

I have my soul mate. –> I am in the process of attracting my soul mate into my life.

I am financially solvent. –> I am in the process of increasing my income 30% over the next 3 months.

Using these “in the process of” affirmations can be more believable when “happening right now” doesn’t sit right with you.

Go for emotional impact. The whole point of an affirmation is that it makes you feel good and will assist you to create change in your life! Therefore, check in with how your affirmation makes you feel. You want to experience emotions such as excitement, joy, optimism, love, peace, and gratitude. What you think creates what you feel and what you feel creates what you believe and what you believe creates vibrational energy. This vibrational energy is what assists you in creating the life you desire.

Want to know more? Read one of my previous posts about affirmations.

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