How a Vision Board Can Help You Build the Future You Want

Vision Boards bring the Law of Attraction into your consciousness daily. The use of a vision board allows you to consistently think about what you want and how to draw that closer and closer to you. Every time you look at or add to it you will feel all the positive thoughts, feelings and beliefs […]
One Story of Infidelity

Any similarity to you or someone you know is just that a similarity. So many people have similar stories. About two years ago I began working with a couple that began marriage counseling, believing that they would get a divorce. At the point they came to me, their relationship seemed to be based upon a […]
Divorce ?

When we marry most of us believe it really is for the rest of our lives. We often create a combined life as well as individual life. It is the combined life however that usually has the priority in marriage. Separating from our life partner is painful; feelings of anger, abandonment and yes relief may […]
The ‘Space-Between’

My Colleague Hedy Schleifer uses the term ‘Space-Between’ when describing what occurs energetically between two people in a relationship. I find this term very useful and wanted to share my point of view with you. Consider that Relationships live in the ‘Space-Between’ you and your partner? The space that often you can feel but do […]
Confusing Marital Statistics

The latest statistics on marriage in the United States say that 41% of first marriages end in divorce, 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages. This can be misleading. They initially might make one want to work in couples’ therapy on their first marriage as it has a higher possibility of success. While […]