Making & Keeping Resolutions

As we round the corner to 2017, you may be formulating a list of resolutions, changes you want to implement for your life in the New Year. In January, gyms and yoga studios are stampeded with new clients eager to forge a healthier lifestyle and by February the throngs subside. What is it that stops […]
How to Shift Your Unconscious Beliefs and Create the Life You Want

Life is hard. I should have achieved more by this time in my life. People will take advantage of me if I let them. I can’t do anything right. Are any of these thoughts yours? If so, and you find them coming up regularly, it’s possible you have beliefs that are sabotaging your efforts to […]
Have You Been Told to ‘Become a New You’ in the New Year?

I’d like to encourage you to think critically about the ‘become a new you in the New Year’ notion. We’ve all heard it, right? While the phrase is cloaked in positivity, the idea of becoming a new you is actually rooted in negativity. It infers that who you are is not enough. I challenge you […]