Bridge of Life

The Symmetry of Spirituality and Money

Does one have to choose between being spiritual and eschewing money or having money and being spiritually deficient? No. You can be both spiritual and wealthy. In the post, Are Your Beliefs About Money Keeping You Poor?, I discussed how money is merely a tool we use to acquire what we need and desire. Money […]

Elevate Your Mood

It’s natural to find ourselves in a low-energy space once in a while. Sometimes we may want to honor that feeling and explore its roots and effects upon us, other times we just want to shift it. To support you, here are 9 ways to help shift your mood from low to high gear in […]

Are Your Beliefs About Money Keeping You Poor?

Before money was in the form of paper or coins, people traded goods of value such as cows, fish, rice, salt, weapons, and clothing. The value of money is what we put on it. While our government has decided the amount a piece of paper or coin is worth, individuals place an additional, intangible value […]

The Total Self

In the post, Life Balance, I discussed the most prevalent areas of our lives that need balance and why each is important. The life area called Self is composed of our emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual needs and desires. Due to the complex nature of Self, I’d like to explore each component separately. Emotional The emotional […]

Overcoming Internal Resistance

Have you ever decided to do something and then found yourself procrastinating, avoiding taking action, or feeling stuck? Maybe you purchased a self-help program you believe will be helpful but haven’t started it. Perhaps you decided that organizing your work or living space will increase your productivity but you’re avoiding clearing the clutter or gathering […]

How to Create Affirmations for Attracting Your Best Life

An affirmation is a declaration about what we want to manifest in our lives. When stated in its most supportive form, it vibrates truth from within your heart. Affirmations are an effective tool for mental, physical, and spiritual wellness, personal growth, and attracting what we desire. While affirmations appear simple, there are several important components […]

When People are Negative, Shine a Positive Light

We all have to deal with many people in our day-to-day lives. Some people are a joy to interact with and some are….not as enjoyable. Have you ever had the experience of getting a phone call from someone and cringing because you know you’re going to be trapped listening to an account of all the […]

How to Shift Your Unconscious Beliefs and Create the Life You Want

Life is hard. I should have achieved more by this time in my life. People will take advantage of me if I let them. I can’t do anything right. Are any of these thoughts yours? If so, and you find them coming up regularly, it’s possible you have beliefs that are sabotaging your efforts to […]

Support yourself through transitions by changing your thoughts

Losing or changing jobs, experiencing the death of a loved one or the end of a relationship, becoming a parent, having a birthday that ends with a five or a zero….what these events have in common is they signify a change. Times of transition can create stress and discomfort as we adjust to our changing […]

Are Your Thoughts Making You Sick?

Flu season is upon us, and we are all trying to be as proactive as possible to avoid getting sick. Coming down with the flu, a cold, or any kind of illness is not pleasant, nor convenient in our busy lives…especially with all the holidays approaching! So we might get a flu vaccine, try to […]