Bridge of Life

How Do You Know If You Are Co-Dependent?

Codependence is developed in childhood by how we perceive and receive love from our parents. When we come from dysfunctional homes as many people do; we are often given contradictory messages about love by our parents, such as: ‘I love you; ‘Go away’; ‘you can’t do anything right’; ‘I need you’; ‘I will be there […]

Take Responsibility and Let Go

Instead of focusing on how you may have contributed to your relationship ending are you spending hours of your time analyzing why he/she acted the way they did? Overanalyzing is often bred from avoidance, thinking  about our feelings and/or about understanding ourselves, personally without being self-reflective. How it is that we act in the ways […]

The Pursuit of the Happiness Myth

In this century the concept of ‘success’ has changed. In the past financial independence and prestige represented success. In some cultures large families were regarded as a sign of success as well. Now it seems regardless of the amount of money we accumulate, the size of our families or the prestige we have: if we […]

Wealth: How to Achieve It

Believing that you are wealthy is the first step to being so. I have noticed that many people worry about not having enough money. How much they earn does not seem to be a factor, they worry whether they earn $38 million dollars a year or twenty thousand—that’s a pretty big differential. What they tell […]

Increase Self-Esteem in a Few Easy Steps

Taking responsibility for your life is the key to having high self-esteem. Here are two clues that your self-esteem is not as high as you might like it to be: Blaming others for what does or does not happen in your life. Complaining about your life as if you have no say in it. Having […]

Satisfying Sexual Relationships: How to Make them Work

A satisfying sexual relationship is an important part of intimacy, which is what most people are actually looking for when they use the term chemistry. A first date is just an introduction to a person’s immediate personality— take them at face value. If you’re interested in what they have to say and feel respected and […]

Giving and Receiving: Allowing Yourself to Experience Both

As the holidays begin, I’m very often asked, how do I know if I am giving  enough? And then, am I giving the right thing? Who do I want to give to? Who do I have to give to? Can I afford to give? The list goes on forever. At the heart of these questions […]

Building Clarity: Relationships, Communication and Energy Fields

Energy includes three aspects of the body’s systems: Pathways – meridians; Centers – chakras and Biofield – aura. Understanding how the interaction of energy around you can affect a relationship will help you to maintain your physical boundaries, which we discussed recently.  By sensing your energy field and your physical boundaries, you can greatly improve […]

The Essentials of Aromatherapy

Many years ago, while studying healing at The Center of the Light in Great Barrington, MA, I developed a passion for Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to enhance your life— creating a comforting atmosphere of your choosing in your home or office. With smell being the quickest way to shift your own mood or […]

The Transformation of Time

‘Everything on earth is being continuously transformed, because the earth is alive… and it has a soul. We are part of that soul, so we rarely recognize that it is working for us.” –The Alchemist So often we hear that we live in a world of “me.” We are taught to fend for ourselves, fiercely clutch […]