Let People Know You Love Them
The old saying that actions speak louder than words, holds true when it comes to expressing the love we feel for others. This may come easy to you or you may struggle with showing your love, and if this is the case, you are not alone. Previous hurts, relationship experiences, and past patterns of how […]
Keeping Open to Love
Have you ever met one of those people that no matter what life tosses their way they remain loving and kind while you find yourself getting annoyed? Admit it, there are times in our day-to-day life when obstacles or challenges get the better or us. You may be exhausted from a newborn keeping you […]
Practicing Gratitude & Positive Thinking
Building a practice of gratitude & positive thinking is easy for some, but for others, it can be a struggle. If you were raised with an abundance of negativity, it might be challenging to break the habit of looking at life through a pessimistic perspective. However, through conscious choice & practice, you […]
Let People Know You Love Them
The old saying, “actions speak louder than words,” holds true when it comes to expressing the love we feel for others. This behavior may come easy to you, or you may struggle with showing your love, & if that’s the case, you’re not alone. Previous traumas, relationship experiences, & past patterns of how love was […]
Truly Celebrating Valentine’s Day
It’s the time of year where stores are covered in displays of hearts, sales on gifts for that special someone takes over advertising, and expectations for romance are at an all-time high. But are these expectations healthy? Getting involved in Valentine’s Day is overwhelming for some as they focus themselves on what they “should” be […]
Return to Love Again & Again
The Beatles popularized the phrase, “All you need is love” and to some this may sound trite or over simplified, but it is based literally on ancient philosophical truths. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Do you […]
Lessons from Animals on Love and Life
Although animals can’t walk, talk, or think quite like us, that doesn’t mean they can’t teach us a thing or two! Here are some life lessons that we can learn from animals: Listen to your inner wisdom. No matter how trained a pet is, all rules and focus on treats go out the window when […]
Creating Your Spiritual Self
Understanding and exploring our spiritual selves is paramount to personal growth; it’s a journey, however, that is often pushed aside. Sometimes, day-to-day activities distract us from the time and energy needed to dedicate ourselves to learn what lives within our hearts. Mindfully affirming our higher self is key to developing our best life in the […]
Let Yourself Experience the Light of Love
Did you know that the capacity for unconditional love lives within each one of us? Imagine experiencing deep, continuous love all of the time. Love without fear, without consequence. It’s possible! According to Ram Dass, spiritual teacher and author of the beloved 1971 Be Here Now, he exclaims in his newest book of the trilogy, Be […]
How a Vision Board Can Help You Build the Future You Want
Vision Boards bring the Law of Attraction into your consciousness daily. The use of a vision board allows you to consistently think about what you want and how to draw that closer and closer to you. Every time you look at or add to it you will feel all the positive thoughts, feelings and beliefs […]