Bridge of Life

Liberating Yourself from Negative Energy

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny ― Lao Tzu Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed, confused or even fearful and not exactly sure why?  With the hustle and bustle of […]

The Freedom of Forgiveness

  “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” ― Nelson Mandela   “True forgiveness is when you can say, “Thank you for that experience.” ― Oprah Winfrey Forgiveness is not about pretending something didn’t happen, surrendering, accepting injustice, or being weak. It is about acknowledging what happened and moving past it, […]

Take Responsibility and Let Go

Instead of focusing on how you may have contributed to your relationship ending are you spending hours of your time analyzing why he/she acted the way they did? Overanalyzing is often bred from avoidance, thinking  about our feelings and/or about understanding ourselves, personally without being self-reflective. How it is that we act in the ways […]

Increase Self-Esteem in a Few Easy Steps

Taking responsibility for your life is the key to having high self-esteem. Here are two clues that your self-esteem is not as high as you might like it to be: Blaming others for what does or does not happen in your life. Complaining about your life as if you have no say in it. Having […]

Emotional Infidelity – What is it? Is it in YOUR Life?

Many people think that infidelity is only sexual. The #1 form of infidelity is Emotional Infidelity. It usually stems out of feeling that something is missing in your relationship. You may feel disconnected from your partner. What is best is to talk to your partner about feeling disconnected. If you cannot talk to your partner […]

Life and Loss

Most of us believe that relationships are supposed to be permanent, yet loss and grieving is a theme in our lives. Inevitably along our path someone dies or will be left behind. Loss of a relationship plays a significant part in all of our lives, as it is part of life. Often we define ourselves […]

How do I get close without getting lost while in a committed relationship?

Ever wonder how to know if you are being intrusive? It is much easier to get when someone else is being intrusive. Sometimes that can be confusing as well. When we are in a committed relationship our confusion with boundaries becomes most evident. It can be quite confusing. Is it okay if I tell my […]

Divorce ?

When we marry most of us believe it really is for the rest of our lives. We often create a combined life as well as individual life. It is the combined life however that usually has the priority in marriage. Separating from our life partner is painful; feelings of anger, abandonment and yes relief may […]

How to Make a Great Decision

For a moment think about the decisions that you made this week. Were they easy or difficult? Did you avoid or postpone any decisions? Are you hoping that others will make the decision for you? Making decisions are important because how you make the decision and of course what decision you make will influence the […]

What is a Labyrinth and How Can You Use One?

Labyrinths have been used for centuries as a tool for meditation and renewal of spirit. Labyrinths have one way in and one way out, so there is no need to worry about getting lost. There is no right or wrong way of using the labyrinth. Depending on what questions you ask as you walk the […]