Bridge of Life

With marriage
equality for all now in the United States, ‘love is love’ is the new law of the
land. It’s exciting to see that same-sex relationships are now recognized as
legal and celebrated in our current culture— but what about self-love? Often it
is believed that we can’t have successful relationships with another without
loving ourselves first.

Before we’re
able to live a fruitful life with another person, being satisfied and content with
the person that we are now is paramount. Knowing what our dreams and plans are
for our future will allow for a successful relationship.  If our part of the foundation has a crack,
the relationship will suffer.

We want to be
certain in ourselves and in our abilities—personally and professionally. Only
then, can we be the support system and true partner that a relationship needs
to succeed from both participants. Many times, we look at love as an external
force, when in reality, it is an internal practice.  We all desire to be loved, but knowing how to
love can be quite challenging for many.

Much like
happiness, our approach to love is best based from a proactive, positive place.
When we’re plagued with self-doubt or disdain, those toxic feelings will poison
not only our own mind; they will infect our romantic partner, possibly ruining
our relationship.

Take a look at
your current relationship, or your most recent if you’re single.  Do you allow yourself to be built up by being
happy or are you self-sabotaging by internalizing negative emotions, which harm
your relationship? You may not even be aware that it’s happening, but when
you’re mindful, you’ll be more aware of how your thoughts affect all facets of
your life, including love.

We’re all
responsible to take care of each other, especially the people we have chosen to
love. Give your partner the benefit of having somebody who can stand tall,
proud and strong alone, but loves the idea of having a counterpoint to share in
the joys of life with.  Just like love is
love—light is light, be the light and it will shine brightly, enhancing all
aspects of your life.

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