Finding Contentment

Look at each day with gratitude; it’s a new opportunity to grow into the best person that you can possibly be. Your only competition is yourself. When you allow yourself to be content with what is, and identify your personal goals to strive for, it’s a sure path to long-term success, and most importantly, happiness. […]
The Power of Loving Ourselves

With marriage equality for all now in the United States, ‘love is love’ is the new law of the land. It’s exciting to see that same-sex relationships are now recognized as legal and celebrated in our current culture— but what about self-love? Often it is believed that we can’t have successful relationships with another without […]
The Happenstance of Happiness

Happiness may be the most elusive of all ideals. We’re taught from a very young age that happy is good and sad is bad; we’re programmed to believe that without achieving ‘happiness’ we’ll be void of anything worthwhile in life. And finding it, sometimes, can feel like a tall order. First of all, how do […]
The Key of Communication

Have you ever imagined talking to someone beyond your words? Communicating through speech is our most common form of relating to each other; imagine if one day that changed. We’ve heard of being ‘telepathically connected’ to someone, usually a close friend, relative or lover, but what if everyone could take it a step beyond that? […]
The Dilemma of Overconsumption

We spend much of our lives just trying to remember what we’re ‘supposed’ to be mindful of— we’re asked to “treat people like we’d wish to be treated”; “give someone the benefit of the doubt” or even just remember to recycle. The list is long and the tasks, many times, feel arduous. Even though we […]
How the Dalai Lama has Influenced My Thoughts on Human Relationships

How successful are the relationships in your life? Take a moment to reflect on a few of them— are they generally happy? Which are strained? And whether good or bad, consider, do you take enough time to give those bonds the care they deserve? What keeps you from sharing more love? Many times, we don’t […]
Can Stress Be Healthy?

When we have negative reactions to stress, it becomes unmanageable in a way that can be harmful to our bodies and minds. Stress when managed properly may actually be beneficial in your life. Stress at work, with family, and friends, even commuting can be chunked down into a series of small manageable bites. We grow […]
What Asking Questions Brings to Your Life

I was speaking with a friend on the subject of asking questions. He shared how at times in his life he refrained from asking questions for fear of appearing ignorant; I wonder how many of you have had this challenge? I then thought about how many of my clients have stopped themselves from moving forward […]
Dealing with Vexatious People

Each one of us has people in our lives that just make things a bit more difficult. They may be co-workers, acquaintances, friends, family members, or even our significant others. They come in many forms, but their behavior and their effect on us are the same—they drain our spirit, make us frustrated and doubtful. And […]
Prosperity Through Pain

In today’s world, it can become incredibly easy to lose sight of what’s important. By being inundated with everything from constant digital distraction to ultra-hectic work and home lives, we may feel like we’re barely even in control of our own existence and we just become sick and tired, even complacent, with our routine and […]