wellness is not emphasized in our social, professional, educational or family
systems. If you think about it for a moment, wouldn’t it be great if mental
health were part of the main curriculum at schools? After all this is the 21st
century! And when was the last time you asked a friend or family member about
their emotional wellness?
my professional life, I have encountered many people who dislike themselves
because they are not emotionally healthy. They perceive themselves as “damaged
goods"; allowing people to neglect them, as their self-esteem is low. For
them, life is often about enduring, rather than thriving because they perceive
themselves as “broken” and some of society does as well. Not
receiving compassion from those around them, they may feel isolated.
prestige, position, beauty, cannot be enjoyed and appreciated unless paired
with emotional wellness. Therefore, our emotional, mental and
physical well-being is the foundation upon which we can build. Celebrities who
are in the news and unhappy prove this point.
decades as an experienced psychotherapist and relationship coach, I have been working
with people so that they can achieve their dreams and goals. I assist people
to let go of feelings of inadequacy and help them to like themselves as they
raise their self-esteem. A major component of healing is broadening and
educating ourselves in the art of living, particularly when it comes to