Find Your Personal Push Up
Estella Gong wasn’t happy with herself; feeling ‘uncomfortable with her body’ and ‘scrawny,’ she decided to not be discouraged by her dilemma— instead she turned her self-perceived problem into a passion to become her best self— one push up at a time. She embarked on a 100 day push up challenge and translated the incredible […]
Being Someone to Believe In
Over the years inspirational author Maya Angelou has shared many mantras that can be simply life changing. Amongst the most powerful lies a gem of wisdom that enhances our ability to approach any new human relationship with the right frame of mind: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” While […]
Have You Been Told to ‘Become a New You’ in the New Year?
I’d like to encourage you to think critically about the ‘become a new you in the New Year’ notion. We’ve all heard it, right? While the phrase is cloaked in positivity, the idea of becoming a new you is actually rooted in negativity. It infers that who you are is not enough. I challenge you […]
Age, Dreams, Goals
Having dreams and setting new goals is something that in western culture people seem to think is only for young people. You can define young anyway you choose, depending upon your age or bias’s. For some 30 is old, for others 60 is young, and for some no age is too old to reinvent yourself. […]
Moments Matter
I have invited my colleague Shelly Rose Charvet of Canada to guest blog on my blog. Shelly is a terrific writer, teacher and speaker. If you want to read more of this article or any of her other wonderful articles please go to her website: How to Succeed Your Key Moments Here are some […]
How To Write When You Have A Day Job
Writing either comes easy to you or it is a chore. At least that is what I have observed. For me, well I wish it came easily but indeed it is a chore. Getting myself to sit down and write is the trick. Once I am writing it flows in clumps. I’m always quite amazed […]
Express Your Feelings Today
I have invited Yaz Headley of from the UK to guest blog on my blog for your pleasure: We can have so many joys and regrets in our lives. Bronnie Ware wrote a book on “The top five regrets of the dying”. One of the regrets she found was that they often wished they […]
The Holistic World of Music
Music can provide feelings of love, inspiration, relaxation and joy. Which is why some people use music to set a mood. Others will have their favorite symphony playing while they study for exams, and let’s not forget dancing to your favorite song as a form of meditation! Yes music does inspire and provoke us to […]
Peace, Happiness, You, I, Us…
The elusive desire for happiness often leads to consuming as much as possible. To have the biggest house, not just one but as many as we can afford to buy and furnish. To have the most expensive cars, clothing jewelry. We often think that the more we own, the bigger it is, the more expensive […]
How to Make a Great Decision
For a moment think about the decisions that you made this week. Were they easy or difficult? Did you avoid or postpone any decisions? Are you hoping that others will make the decision for you? Making decisions are important because how you make the decision and of course what decision you make will influence the […]