Saying Yes to You

“When you say ‘Yes’ to others, make sure you are not saying ‘No’ to yourself.” ― Paolo Coehlo Everybody wants to be ‘someone to believe in.’ There’s a lot of societal pressure for us to perform to certain standards to be considered great, desirable, or even just worthy of other people’s affections, admiration or respect. […]
The Weight Struggle: Where it Starts

There is a burning question facing many of us these days – that is – Why do you want to lose weight permanently? For so many the process of weight loss is a vicious and disheartening cycle of fail and repeat, and we wonder, how do we make a substantial change? Your motivation is the […]
The Happenstance of Happiness

Happiness may be the most elusive of all ideals. We’re taught from a very young age that happy is good and sad is bad; we’re programmed to believe that without achieving ‘happiness’ we’ll be void of anything worthwhile in life. And finding it, sometimes, can feel like a tall order. First of all, how do […]
The Dilemma of Overconsumption

We spend much of our lives just trying to remember what we’re ‘supposed’ to be mindful of— we’re asked to “treat people like we’d wish to be treated”; “give someone the benefit of the doubt” or even just remember to recycle. The list is long and the tasks, many times, feel arduous. Even though we […]
A Spiritual Path of Coping With Addiction

Are you held back by an addiction? If you’re not personally, it’s almost certain that you know someone who is afflicted by an urge of some form that inhibits his or her own life—one that has an incredible impact on their overall well-being and happiness. These sufferings create an inability for us to grow and […]
What Asking Questions Brings to Your Life

I was speaking with a friend on the subject of asking questions. He shared how at times in his life he refrained from asking questions for fear of appearing ignorant; I wonder how many of you have had this challenge? I then thought about how many of my clients have stopped themselves from moving forward […]
The Pursuit of the Happiness Myth

In this century the concept of ‘success’ has changed. In the past financial independence and prestige represented success. In some cultures large families were regarded as a sign of success as well. Now it seems regardless of the amount of money we accumulate, the size of our families or the prestige we have: if we […]
Increase Self-Esteem in a Few Easy Steps

Taking responsibility for your life is the key to having high self-esteem. Here are two clues that your self-esteem is not as high as you might like it to be: Blaming others for what does or does not happen in your life. Complaining about your life as if you have no say in it. Having […]
Releasing Emotional Baggage

Especially when it comes to romance, many women hold so very tightly on to trying to keep in control of their own emotional needs in the relationship. Trust issues, personal insecurity, and other nagging problems arise—and we don’t know how to put them away. When we’re not whole within ourselves, it’s easy to allow outside […]
The Transformation of Time

‘Everything on earth is being continuously transformed, because the earth is alive… and it has a soul. We are part of that soul, so we rarely recognize that it is working for us.” –The Alchemist So often we hear that we live in a world of “me.” We are taught to fend for ourselves, fiercely clutch […]